myCred Learndash

myCred LearnDash (Courses)

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Features :

  • Award points to enroll in a course.
  • Award points to enroll in a specific course.
  • Award points on completing any course.
  • Award points on completing a specific course.
  • Award points on completing a course having any tag.
  • Award points on completing a course having a specific tag.
  • Set Limits to attempt Course, No limit/Day/Week/Month (to select anyone frequency).
  • Click the Add More if you wish to add more courses in specific settings.

Plugin Settings :

  1. Add myCred LearnDash Enrolling in a Course hook from “Hooks”

First add LearnDash Enrolling in a Course hook from Hooks → From Available Hooks to an Active Hooks


Setup general & specific settings of points balance for LearnDash Enrolling in a Course hook

Fill the different fields for enrolling a course hook and click on the Save button available at the bottom. You can set general as well as specific settings in a single hook. 

  • Click on Enrolling in a Course (LearnDash)  hook from active hooks to open settings.
  • Set the points balance for general enrolling any course which will be taken by the user per Course.
  • Set the label description for general enrolling in any course  which will be displayed in logs when users gain points per course.
  • To Enable/Disable specific settings, you can click on the ‘Enable Specific checkbox’. 
  • Select Course so the user will get points on that particular course only once.
  • Set the points balance for specific enrolling in a course which will be taken by the user on that particular course.
  • Set the label description for specific enrolling a course which will be displayed in logs when users gain points on that particular course only.
  • Set the points Limit ‘No limit/Day/Week/Month’ (You can select any defined limit of attempting course,it will count number of attempts including general & specific). 

Note: By checking the specific settings box, the user will be able to utilize a specific setting hook and remain it uncheck to keep it disabled.


  • Limit

Points Limit ‘No limit/Day/Week/Month’ (You can select any defined limit of attempting course,it will count number of attempts for general & specific both).

  • Add More

You can use Add more if you wish to add more or create more courses in specific settings. (It is available only for specific)


  • Go to myCred points ➜ Logs

2) Add myCred LearnDash Completing a Course hook from “Hooks” 

First add LearnDash Completing a Course hook from Hooks → From Available Hooks to an Active Hooks

Setup general & specific settings of points balance for LearnDash Completing a Course hook

Fill the different fields for completing a course hook and click on the Save button available at the bottom. You can set general as well as specific settings in a single hook. 

  • Click on Completing a Course (LearnDash)  hook from active hooks to open settings.
  • Set the points balance for general completing any course which will be taken by the user per Course.
  • Set the label description for general enrolling any course  which will be displayed in logs when users gain points per course.
  • To Enable/Disable specific settings, you can click on the ‘Enable Specific checkbox’. 
  • Select Courses option from Select Option & select Particular Course from User Selected Option  so the user will get points on that particular course only once.
  • Set the points balance for specific completing a course which will be taken by the user on that particular course only.
  • Set the label description for specific completing a course which will be displayed in logs when users gain points on the selected course.
  • Set the points Limit ‘No limit/Day/Week/Month’ (You can select any defined limit of attempting course,it will count number of attempts including general & specific). 
  • Click the Save button present at the bottom.

Note: By checking the specific settings box, the user will be able to utilize a specific setting hook and remain it uncheck to keep it disabled.

Logs :

  • Go to myCred points ➜ Logs
  • Completing a Course having Tags

Using Tags the user needs to add tags in the Learndash Course Post Type.

  • Select Courses having Tags option from Select Option & you can select Any Tag/Particular Tag from User Selected Option  so the user will get points only once on particular course having that tag.

Similarly, the user can select tag associated with a particular course from the dropdown hook options

When the user completes the course associated with a particular tag the user gets the respective points