
Category: Shortcodes

All myCRED shortcodes available since later version.


Used by the Point for referrals hook, this shortcode will return the current logged in users referral ID.

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Used by the Point for referrals hook, this shortcode will append the current users referral link to a given URL. If no URL is given, the current page's URL is used.

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This shortcode will render all active scratch card sets that you currently have installed on your website. Logged in users can then buy a card via this shortcode. Unlike the mycred_scratch_cards shortcode which will only show one particular card set, this shortcode will show multiple.

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This shortcode allows you to display all published badges. Note that this shortcode will show all badges and not just the badges a user has earned. To show a users earned badges, please use the mycred_my_badges shortcode instead.

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This shortcode allows you to display all published badges that have ever existed on your website and define them under their respective achievement types.

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Description This custom shortcode allows you to show a progress bar for your badges for current user . You can select the colors to use, if the progress bar should be animated and also there is individual progressbar for badge requirement for the users current badge under the progress bar. You can also manually give

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This shortcode allows you to present the “best” user according to their total accumulated balance or by one or more references. The shortcode by default shows the users name and avatar but this can be customized to show the details you want.

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This shortcode will generate an anchor element for buying creds according to given attributes. mycred_buy is the little brother of mycred_buy_form allowing for very simple, straight forward purchase link to a specific payment gateway.

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This shortcode will generate a html form for purchasing creds. mycred_buy_form offers far more options then the mycred_buy shortcode.

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This shortcode allows you to show your users their currently pending buyCRED purchases. Pending purchases occur when a user has not selected to cancel a payment or if a payment was unsuccessful. Users can view each transaction, select to cancel it or select to attempt a new payment.

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This shortcode will generate cashCred’s payment form on the front-end. The following shortcode attributes allow the admin to add payment gateway(s), point types(s), and messages for insufficient funds and excluded users.

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This shortcode will render the total amount of points a specific user has gained / lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render charts based on the amount of points that currently exists amongst your users. The chart is segmented if you have more than one point type setup. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render charts based on the amount of points that has been given to users vs. the total amount taken for a particular point type. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render the average amount of points that has been awarded on your website for a given period. You can select how far back the chart should go in days, weeks, months or years. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render the total amount of points your users has gained / lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render a list of balances ordered by size. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode will render a list of the most common ways your users gain / spend points on your site. These results are based on references. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

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This shortcode allows you to show the avatars of buyers of the content.

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This shortcode renders the total number of users that have purchased the content. Must be used inside the loop, either in the content field or in your theme’s template files.

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This shortcode renders the total number of times the content has been purchased. Must be used inside the loop, either in the content field or in your theme’s template files.

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This shortcode allows your users to unsubscribe to any email notifications you have setup that are sent to the user. Notices sent to admins can not be unsubscribed!

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This shortcode allows your users to exchange one particular point type for another based on an exchange rate that you set for the shortcode. You can use the shortcode multiple times to allow exchanges between multiple types but exchanges can only be done in one direction per shortcode.

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This shortcode allows you to give your users points when this shortcode is rendered. These points are created “out of thin air and not from a specific account / user. You can insert this in page/post content or in a template file.

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This shortcode allows you to hide parts of your content for those who fulfil the requirements you set. This shortcode is the opposite of the mycred_show_if shortcode. You can set a balance requirement, rank requirement (if the Ranks add-on is enabled) or a reference count.

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This shortcode allows you to show your log in the front end. You can select to show all log entries or show a specific users log entries. Perfect for a “History” page for your users if you do not allow them into the admin area.

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This shortcode will generate a table where all enabled hooks for a particular point type is listed. You can use this to show how your users can earn points based on how you setup your hooks.

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This shortcode allows you to create leaderboards that are based on either your users current / total balances or based on events in the log, e.g. a leaderboard showing who gained most points from approved comment or published content.

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mycred_leaderboard_position shortcode

Description This shortcode allows you to show a given user or the current user’s position in a particular leaderboard. Replaces the mycred_my_ranking shortcode Shortcode Attributes Attribute Type Required Default Description user_id STRING No current Option to show the position of a particular user in the leaderboard. Accepts “current” for current user or a user ID. […]

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This shortcode allows you to award or deduct points from the current user when their click on a link. This shortcode will always generate a link, even if the user viewing it has already clicked on it / reached their limit or if the shortcode is viewed by a user that is logged out. However no points will be paid out unless the user is logged in, are not excluded and have not yet reached the limit you might have set for the “Points for clicking on links” hook.

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This shortcode allows you to list all ranks with the point requirements and / or the members count for each rank. You can customize how each row is presented by wrapig the shortcode around your template.

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This shortcode allows your users to redeem coupons you created using the Coupons add-on.

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This shortcode will show the user who is viewing it their earned badges. This shortcode will not show all badges no matter if a user has earned them or not. To show all badges, please use the mycred_badges shortcode instead.

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This shortcode allows you to show the balance of the user viewing the shortcode or a specific user. By default, the balance is displayed formatted with a wrapping element, however these can be disabled and you can show a balance inline without any formatting.

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This shortcode will convert the total amount of points your users has gained / lost into specified currency.

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This shortcode allows you to show the rank title or logo of the user viewing the shortcode. Will not show anything if viewed by someone who is not logged in.

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This shortcode allows you to show a given users or the current users position in a particular leaderboard. Nothing will be returned if the user viewing the shortcode is not logged in

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This shortcode allows you to show all ranks a user currently has. Note that this is only usable when you have ranks for multiple point types.

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This custom shortcode allows you to show a progress bar for your users current rank. You can select the colors to use, if the progress bar should be animated and to show the minimum and maximum rank requirement for the users current rank under the progress bar.

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This shortcode allows you to show a users transfer fee when using the Transfer Plus plugin. You can select to show the fee for either the current user viewing the shortcode or a specific user’s fee.

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This shortcode renders the Paymentwall widget you have set to use with the buyCRED add-on. Please note that this shortcode can not be used until your website has been approved by Paymentwall! While your website is pending approved, the shortcode will not work.

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This shortcode allows the user viewing the shortcode to send a pre-set amount of points under a specific reference to a pre-selected user. Basically this is a very very basic transfer shortcode where the amount, recipient and log template is already set.

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This shortcode will render a table listing all the pending incoming our outgoing transfers for the user viewing the shortcode.

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This custom shortcode allows you to show a progress bar for your users current rang. You can select the colors to use, if the progress bar should be animated and to show the minimum and maximum rank requirement for the users current rank under the progress bar.

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The mycred_referral_stats shortcode is associated with the referral hook which displays the total count of referred visitors/sign ups users.

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This shortcode will render a users content purchase history via the Sell Content add-on. As of version 1.7 the shortcode will render purchases in a boostrap ready table. You can select to filter results based on point type, set the number of entries you want to show and set the order.

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By default, the Sell Content add-on sells access to the entire post content field, but this shortcode allows you to sell just parts of the content, leaving the rest available for everyone to see.

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While you can sell the entire content of a post or page (or any other custom post type), you can use this shortcode to sell parts of the content allowing you to show "teasers" in the remaining content.

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This shortcode allows the user viewing the shortcode to send a pre-set amount of points under a specific reference to a pre-selected user. Basically this is a very very basic transfer shortcode where the amount, recipient and log template is already set.

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This shortcode allows you to show parts of your content for those who fulfil the requirements you set. This shortcode is the opposite of the mycred_hide_if shortcode. You can set a balance requirement, rank requirement (if the Ranks add-on is enabled) or a reference count.

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This shortcode allows you to setup purchase buttons which triggers the Stripe Checkout window. It should be used instead of the mycred_buy shortcode if you have the buyCRED Stripe Gateway add-on enabled.

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This shortcode allows you to setup subscription buttons which triggers the Stripe Checkout window. Requires the buyCRED Stripe Gateway add-on to be enabled.

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This shortcode will show a table where users can view their current subscription details.

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This shortcode will show a users total points balance by adding up two or more point types into one.

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This shortcode allows you to show the total amount of points currently in circulation or the total amount of points awarded or deducted from your users for a specific event.

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This shortcode will show the total number of points a user has gained in a given timeframe. For example you can show the total number of points a user has gained today (default).

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This shortcode will generate the transfer form allowing users to send points to each other.

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This shortcode returns a list of users for each role in descending order. By default all users are returned for each rank but you can change this to any number.

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This shortcode returns a list of users for a specific published role, ordered by their account balance. By default all users are returned for the given rank but you can set how many users to return.

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This shortcode is used to embed YouTube videos via IFRAME in order to allow us to award points for users who view the video. Videos that are embedded without using this shortcode can not award points for viewing.

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