

This shortcode is used to embed YouTube videos via IFRAME in order to allow us to award points for users who view the video. Videos that are embedded without using this shortcode can not award points for viewing.

If you want to customize the layout of each row, you can create your own template and wrap this shortcode around it. This way, your html template will be used for each user row. Supports the use of shortcodes and user related template tags.

Requires the “Points for watching videos” hook to be enabled.

If you select to reward users using the “Interval” logic, no badges, ranks or notifications will be given to the user for watching the video! If the user gains enough points to reach a new rank / earn a badge, these will be given to the user first when they have gained points after they finished watching a video!

Users can only get points for watching videos once per video!

Available since version 1.3

Shortcode Attributes

Attribute Type Required Default Description
id string Yes - The video ID.
width int No 560 The embedded video width. Only numeric values without % or px.
height int No 315 The embedded video height. Only numeric values without % or px.
amount int or float No - The amount of points to award / deduct from users for viewing if you do not want to use the amount you set in your hooks settings.
logic string No - The award logic to use if you do not want to use the logic you set in your hooks settings.. Accepted values are: "play", "full" or "interval".
interval string No - The interval in seconds to use if you selected logic to be "interval". Should not be used if you want to use your default hook settings.
ctype string No mycred_default The point type to payout. Should not be used if you only have one point type installed.

CSS Styling

// Outer wrap
div.mycred-video-wrapper { }

// Movie box
div.mycred-video-wrapper>div { }

// YouTube video wrap { }

// YouTube video iframe iframe { }

// Vimeo video wrap
div.mycred-video-wrapper.vimeo-video { }

// Vimeo video iframe
div.mycred-video-wrapper.vimeo-video iframe { }

// Update notice
div.mycred-video-wrapper div.mycred-video-update-box { }


Example 1: Basic usage. Will use the logic you set in your hook.

[mycred_video id="Kt4P2txrcRA"]

Example 2: Award 5 points for every 15 seconds watched of the video with the ID “FSyAehMdpyI“

[mycred_video id="Kt4P2txrcRA" logic="interval" amount=5 interval=15]

Example 3: Award 20 points as soon as a user starts watching a Vimeo video. (Requires the myCRED Video premium add-on).

[mycred_video id="197443255" logic="play" amount=20]