

This shortcode will show a table where users can view their current subscription details.

Requires the buyCRED add-on to be enabled along with the buyCRED Stripe add-on being installed and enabled.

From the moment a user has signed up to a subscription plan, it may take a few seconds before the subscription details show up in this shortcode. During this time a temporary “Pending” message is shown to the user. Once Stripe confirms the subscription signup the content is updated. It should not take more then a few seconds for this to occur.

Available since version 2.0

Shortcode Attributes

Attribute Type Required Default Description
classes string No table table-condensed Option to set custom CSS classes for the table element.
date_format string No - Date format to use. Defaults to the format you have set in your WordPress settings.

CSS Styling

// The table
table#mycred-stripe-my-subscription { }

// The table columns
table tr .mycred-stripe-sub-plan { }
table tr .mycred-stripe-sub-status { }
table tr .mycred-stripe-sub-start { }
table tr .mycred-stripe-sub-end { }
table tr .mycred-stripe-sub-amount { }


Example 1: Default usage.


Example 2: Shows a custom message to users who do not yet have a subscription. Supports HTML elements.

[mycred_stripe_subscription]You do not yet have a subscription.[/mycred_stripe_subscription]