

This shortcode will render the total amount of points your users has gained / lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. Uses Chart.js 2.7.0

Available since version 1.8

Shortcode Attributes

Attribute Type Required Default Description
type string No line The chart type to render. Supports: line and bar
ctype string No mycred_default The point type we want to show data for. Should only be used when you need to show data for a custom point type.
ref string No - The reference we want to show history for.
period string No days The type of periods we want to use. Accepts days, weeks, months and years.
number int No 10 The number of periods to show in the chart e.g. 10 days or 12 months.
order string No DESC The order of which the periods should be sorted.
title string No - Option to set a title for the chart.
animate int No 1 If the chart should be animated (1) or not (0).
bezier int No 1 If line charts should use bezier curves (1) or not (0).
labels int No 1 If labels should be shown in the chart (1) or not (0). Not all chart types use labels, it is mainly for bar and line charts where we have both an x and y axis.
legend int No 1 If a legend should be shown in the chart (1) or not (0). Not all charts show legends.
width string No - The chart canvas width. By default the chart will render full with of the container where the shortcode is used. Can be either a pixel value (without px) or a percentage value (with %).
height string No - The chart canvas height. Can be either a pixel value (without px) or a percentage value (with %).

CSS Styling

.chart-container mycred-chart-container { }
.chart-container mycred-chart-container canvas.mycred-chart-canvas { }


Example 1: Default usage.
