Category: Objects


The account object is an “umbrella” object of a given users myCRED related data. This includes their balance, history and data related to any add-ons that are enabled in your installation.

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This object holds all relevant information about a specific myCRED badge, along with a set of methods to manipulate the badge along with assigning it to users.

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The Balance object consists of the balance values for both the current and total balance along with the point type. A balance object only holds information about one particular point type.

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This object is used to generate the chart HTML canvas element and construct the required JavaScript data for Chart.js. Used by the Statistics add-on. While the method only returns an empty HTML canvas element, the actual chart JavaScript data is populated using the $mycred_charts global. The statistics add-on uses this global to render the actual data in the footer of your website.

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This object holds all settings and data relevant to a given email notice along with a set of methods to process or parse emails.

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This object contains log related data for a given myCRED balance. It contains an array of data to help with certain history checks, such as checking if a user got a record of getting points for a certain object ID (e.g. post or page).

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The rank object contains the rank post object, the set title, logo details, requirements and user count.

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The rank object contains the rank post object, the set title, logo details, requirements and user count.

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The Transfer object is used for creating new transfers, rendering the transfer form or just retreating information about a particular transfer.

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