Payment Gateways


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The Netbilling gateway allows your users to purchase points using credit cards.


Setup Guide

  1. Go to the myCred > Payment Gateways page in your admin area.
  2. Click on “NETBilling” in the list to view your settings.
  3. Select to enable the payment gateway.
  4. Enter your Account ID.
  5. Enter your Site Tag.
  6. Enter your Order Integrity Key from your NETBilling account. This can be found on the “Fraud Defence” page under Step 12. Make sure the “Enforce order integrity checkbox is checked!
  7. Change “Item Name” to what you want buyers to see when they pay. You can use the %number% template tag to show the amount of points a user will buy and this field also supports general template tags. Note that this field can not be empty!
  8. Set an exchange rate between your points and USD. By default this will be 1:1.
  9. Copy the Postback CGI URL address given to you.
  10. Save.
  11. Login to your NETBilling account and edit your site in the Site list by selecting “Configure”. Scroll down till you find “Postback CGI URL” and paste in the address.
  12. Save.
The Fraud Defence setup page where you enable and create a unique Order Integrity Key.