Functionality on Hooks

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  • Go to ‘Points’
  • Then ‘Hooks’

Drag ‘Points for GiveWP Donation’ in Active Hooks

Award/Deduct points on making a ‘donation’

Award Points

  • In this case ‘Admin’ can enter ‘points’ which will be rewarded to the ‘customer’ who will give donation on any form. Admin can set the limit of transaction by per Day/Week/Month or Total.
  • Now click on ‘Save’
  • When user will go to donate page, following screen will appear
  • Click on ‘Donate Now’
  • ‘Select’ or ‘give amount’ of donation and click on continue
  • Give your name, email address and click on ‘donate now’

Transaction will proceed 

On successful transaction, a notification will appear on customer screen that you have rewarded with points for donation in specific fund

In ‘Profile History’ user can see that ’10’ points have been rewarded against this donation

Deduct Points

If you want to set the case of point deduction then in ‘points’ field put your desired value with ‘-ve’ sign

Here we have placed ‘9’ value which will get deducted when a customer will make a donation on any form

Now by repeating the same steps of donation we can see in profile section that ‘9’ points have been deducted against this donation

Award/Deduct points on ‘donation of minimum amount’ (Threshold of specific amount)

Award Points

In this scenario, if a customer will donate ‘7’ or more than ‘7’ amount then designated points will be rewarded

Where 7 is the minimum amount on which points will be given to customer. Any value below to ‘7’ will not be consider for points allocation 

As we can donate in any form and there is no restriction of selecting a specific form in this case, therefore we donated at ‘Donation Form’

We donated more than ‘7’ amount

Therefore ‘Awarded’ points can be seen in ‘Profile History’

Notification of gained points has been appeared on donating more than minimum amount

Deduct Points

In this scenario if a customer will donate ‘10’ or more than ‘10’ amount then ‘5’ points will be deducted

We donated more than ‘10’ and went through same donation process. Therefore ‘Deducted’ points can be seen in ‘Profile History’

Award/Deduct points on ‘donation through specific form’

Award Points
In this scenario ‘5’ points will be rewarded to the customers, if they will donate on a ‘Specific campaign’

‘Specific Campaign’ that appeared on front page

Customer has donated for the stated campaign and has been rewarded with ‘5’ Points

Customer can see the logs in his ‘Points History’ too

Deduct Points
In this scenario ‘5’ points will be deducted from customers account if they donate to ‘Help for Africa’ campaign

Customer has donated for the stated campaign and has been deducted with ‘5’ Points