Friendship Events

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BuddyBoss: Friendship Events

  • The hook provides multiple event scenarios associated with the BuddyBoss Members. 
  • Click on the hook to open its configuration. 
  • Admin can set the Points which will be awarded whenever the events are triggered.
  • Once done, click on the Save button.

Front-End Impact

a. Send Friendship Request

  • The event is triggered when a user sends a friend request to the other user on the BuddyBoss platform.
  • Go to the Members page.
  • Click on the Connect sign.
  • Once done the user who sent the request to the other user will be awarded points.

b. New Friendships

  • The event is triggered when a user adds a new friend and the request is accepted on the BuddyBoss platform.
  • When a user receives a friends request, he gets a notification on the right top side of the page.
  • Click on the Notification and you’ll be redirected to the Connections section. 
  • Click on the Accept button.
  • Once done, both users will receive points for new friendship accepted,
  • The user who accepted the friendship invitation
  • The user whose invitation got accepted

c. Ending Friendship

        • The event is triggered when a user removes a connection on the BuddyBoss platform.
        • When a user receives a removes a connection request, he gets a notification on the right top side of the page.
        • In the Connections section, all the connections are present of that respective user.
  • Click on the Connection sign, and then click again on the Remove Connection.
  • A message would appear at the top of the page.
  • Click on the OK button.
  • Once done, both users will receive points for losing a friend,
    • The user who removes the connection
  • The user who get removed by the other user.