Admin’s Functionality

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Admin’s Functionality

  • Admin will go in ‘Points’ tab
  • Then ‘cashCred Withdrawal’ tab
  • Here all the transactions will be displayed along with their status, admin needs to click on edit button of a transaction whose status is shown as ‘Pending’
stripe cashecred admin
  • Now admin can take action against selected transaction request
  • Click on ‘Pay Now’ button to finalize the transaction
Now admin can take action against selected transaction request
  • After clicking on ‘Pay Now’, status will be shown as ‘Approved’
Admin can change the status from ‘Approved’ to ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Pending’ again and the status
  • Admin can change the status from ‘Approved’ to ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Pending’ again and the status will be shown in the specific category at customer end
  • After selecting a status, click on ‘Save Changes’ button
status update stripe cashcred
  • Admin can see the logs for accomplished transactions in ‘Points’> ‘Logs’ tab