Different Badges for Course, Lesson, Topic, Quiz

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  • Admin can now choose different Badges for different Courses, Lessons, Topics, and Quizzes.
  • To achieve this Admin will have to create custom Badges. To do that Admin will have to go to Points Tab → Badges → Add New
  • Create a new Badge by giving Badge nameSetting an image for the badgeDefining requirements and Reward for the badge and then publish the badge to be used according to the needs and requirements.
  • myCred Learndash will automatically detect different Badges that are created and will be displaying them on the Course page, Lesson page, Topic page, and Quiz page.
  • To use the Badges for any specific Course, Lesson, Topic, and Quiz, an Admin will have to navigate to Learndash Respective Tabs Of (Courses, Lessons, Topics, Quizzes) → myCred Badge.