WP Favorite Posts Actions


This hook allows you to reward your users with points for adding or removing “favorite posts” that are managed by the WP Favorite Posts plugin. You can select to reward the user that adds / removes a post from their Favorites, and/or the post author for getting their post added to someone’s “Favorites”.

Available since version 1.1

Known Issues

This hook will not be visible if WP Favorite Posts is not enabled.

Users can only get points once for each post their add to their favorites. If a user removes the post and adds it again, the hook will not reward further actions.


Make sure you set a point value other than zero to enable the hook and make sure you have provided a log entry template.

Supported Instances

Instance Reference Description
add_favorite_post Give or take points from users for adding a post to their "Favorites".
favorited_post Give or take points from post authors that get their posts added to someone's "Favorites".
favorite_post_removed Give or take points from users for removing a post from their "Favorites".
favorite_post_removal Give or take points from post authors that get their posts removed from someone's "Favorites".