rtMedia Uploads


This hook allows you to reward your users with points for uploading photos, videos and audio files to your website using the rtMedia plugin.

Available since version 1.4

Known Issues

This hook will not be visible if rtMedia is not enabled.


Make sure you set a point value for each file type that you want to reward your users for. For those file types that you do not want to reward make sure the value is set to zero. Remember to make sure the log template fields are not empty.

Supported Instances

Instance Reference Description
photo_upload Give or take points from users for photo uploads.
video_upload Give or take points from users for video uploads.
audio_upload Give or take points from users for audio uploads.
photo_deletion Give or take points from users for deleting photos files.
video_deletion Give or take points from users for deleting videos files.
audio_deletion Give or take points from users for deleting audio files.