BuddyPress Group Actions


This hook allows you to reward your users for most BuddyPress Group related events, ranging from joining groups to uploading cover images.

Available since version 1.0

Known Issues

This hook will not be visible if the Group Component in BuddyPress is not enabled!


Set a point value other than zero for all the instances you want to reward. Make sure all these instances also have a log entry template and that a hook limit is set (if needed).

Supported Instances

Instance Reference Description
creation_of_new_group Give or take points from users for creating a new group.
deletion_of_group Give or take points from users for deleting a group.
new_group_forum_topic Give or take points from users for new group forum topic.
edit_group_forum_topic Give or take points from users for editing a forum topic.
new_group_forum_post Give or take points from users for new forum posts.
edit_group_forum_post Give or take points from users for editing a forum post.
joining_group Give or take points from users for joining a group.
leaving_group Give or take points from users for leaving a group.
upload_group_avatar Give or take points from users for uploading a group avatar".
upload_group_cover Give or take points from users for uploading a group cover image.
new_group_comment Give or take points from users for new group comment.

Group Creations

If you select to deduct points for group creations, the hook will hide the “Create New Group” button in BuddyPress if the user can not afford to pay the amount you set. This also means that users that are excluded from point will not be able to create new groups. Administrators are exempt from this.

Group Memberships

If you select to deduct points from users for joining a group, the hook will hide the “Join Group” button if the user can not afford to pay the amount you set.