Viewing Content


This hook allows you to reward your users for viewing content of a specific type, for example viewing posts or pages. The hook will only reward users when they view the actual post. It will not reward views in archives or loops. You can select to reward the user that views the post and/or the post’s author.

Available since version 1.5

Known Issues

If a custom post type does not have a single view or if the custom post type is loaded via AJAX, the hook might not be able to detect the view.

The hooks uses the template_redirect action hook in WordPress to detect views using the is_singular conditional tag.


You need to set a point amount you want to give (or take) users for each post type. Post type’s that has zero points set are considered “disabled” and will not trigger points.

You can set a limit how many times a user can get point in a given time period.

Video Demo

Supported Instances

Instance Reference Description
view_content Give or take points from users for viewing content.
view_content_author Give or take points from content authors for someone viewing their content.