Category: mycred/balance

A compilation of items related to point balances.


Adds a given amount of creds to a specific user. Once the users balance has been updated, a new log entry is made under the given reference.

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This filter can be used to stop a myCRED point transaction before it is processed.

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This filter is the last filter that runs once a transaction has been processed, no matter of the outcome.

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The Balance object consists of the balance values for both the current and total balance along with the point type. A balance object only holds information about one particular point type.

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This shortcode allows you to present the “best” user according to their total accumulated balance or by one or more references. The shortcode by default shows the users name and avatar but this can be customized to show the details you want.

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Returns a given users current balance for a specific point type formatted.

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Returns a given users total balance for a specific point type formatted.

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This filter allows you to make adjustments to points before they are rendered on your website.

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Adjust how points are formatted before being displayed and before a prefix / suffix is applied.

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This function will return a given users current points balance.

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This filter allows you to make adjustments to a users balance as it is retrieved from the database.

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This function returns a given user's total point balance for a specific point type.

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This filter allows you to change how a users balance is displayed in the toolbar (if used)

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This shortcode allows you to show the balance of the user viewing the shortcode or a specific user. By default, the balance is displayed formatted with a wrapping element, however these can be disabled and you can show a balance inline without any formatting.

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This shortcode will convert the total amount of points your users has gained / lost into specified currency.

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The rank object contains the rank post object, the set title, logo details, requirements and user count.

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This function will query the myCRED log in order to get a given users total balance for a particular point type.

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This filter allows you to adjust a request before it is processed by myCRED.

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This function allows you to decrease a users balance by deducting a specific amount from it.

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This shortcode will show a users total points balance by adding up two or more point types into one.

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This shortcode allows you to show the total amount of points currently in circulation or the total amount of points awarded or deducted from your users for a specific event.

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This action hook fires each time a users balance is updated.

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