
This template tag returns the current balance of the user, formatted with prefix and/or suffix.


This template tag returns the current balance of the user, unformatted.


Returns the payment gateway used when purchasing points using the buyCRED add-on.


Returns the points amount formated with prefix and/or surffix.


Returns the points amount without any prefix or surffix.


Returns the post id where the comment was made.


Returns the post title where the comment was made in plain text format.


Returns the post url where the comment was made, to be used in an anchor element.


Returns the post title wrapped in the posts permalink for where the comment was made.


Returns the comment id.


Returns the users display name.


Returns the link to the users profile page with their display name as title.


Returns the users profile url to be used in an anchor element.


Returns the users "user name" URL encoded.


Returns the users "user name".


Returns the users id.