
This filter allows you to rename the "myCRED Sell This" metabox that the Sell Content add-on provides for your posts and pages.


This filter allows you to indicate if the current user has paid / not paid for a particular content.


This filter lets you change the language used for the button in the mycred_send shortcode.


This filter lets your change the title used to mark the expiration length measurement.


By default, myCRED allows you to let purchases expire after a certain number of hours. This filter lets you change this calculation from hours to any other time measurements.


While you can sell the entire content of a post or page (or any other custom post type), you can use this shortcode to sell parts of the content allowing you to show "teasers" in


This shortcode will render a users content purchase history via the Sell Content add-on. As of version 1.7 the shortcode will render purchases in a boostrap ready table. You can select to filter results based


By default, the Sell Content add-on sells access to the entire post content field, but this shortcode allows you to sell just parts of the content, leaving the rest available for everyone to see.