
This filter allow you to adjust the capability required for the "myCRED" point reward metabox to be visible when editing a WooCommerce product.


This shortcode will show a table where users can view their current subscription details.


This shortcode allows you to setup subscription buttons which triggers the Stripe Checkout window. Requires the buyCRED Stripe Gateway add-on to be enabled.


This filter allows you to adjust the cost of buying points using the buyCRED add-on.


This filter allows you to decline a store purchase where points are used as payment.


This filter allows you to adjust how much a users total order or cart total costs converted into points.


This filter allows you to change the results of the apply_exchange() class method in the myCRED_Settings object.


When using Events Manager, you can select if bookings should be approved on payment or if admin approval is required. In case you select admin approval, you can use this filter to override this and