This action allows you to insert custom settings for the Twilio Transfers plugin.
This action allows you to insert custom settings for the Twilio Transfers plugin.
This action allows you to execute custom code for custom transfer action keywords.
This action allows you to execute custom code when a Twilio transfer has been successfully cancelled (if allowed).
This action allows you to execute custom code when a Twilio transfer has finished successfully.
This action allows you to execute custom code when the plugin detects an incoming Webhook message.
This action allows you to execute custom actions when a users balance is changed to a specific amount.
This action hook fires each time a user has promoted to a rank that has a higher minimum point requirement set then their previous rank.
This action hook fires each time a user has demoted to a rank that has a lower minimum point requirement set then their previous rank.
This action fires after the myCRED Notifications add-on starts echoing the notices.
This action fires before the myCRED Notifications add-on starts echoing the notices.
This filter allows you to run custom scripts when myCRED checks if a user gains a new rank.
This action hook fires each time a users balance is updated.
This action indicates the instance where the Email Notifications Add-on has sent an email to either your user or admin (or both).
This action indicates the instance when a transfer via the Transfer add-on has been successfully completed.
Allows you to execute custom code before a new transfer is processed by myCRED.
This action indicates the instance where myCRED has enqueued all scripts and styling in the admin area.