

This shortcode will generate a html form for purchasing creds. mycred_buy_form offers far more options then the mycred_buy shortcode.

Requires the buyCRED add-on to be enabled.

Available since version 1.1

Shortcode Attributes

Attribute Type Required Default Description
button string No "Buy Now" The form submit button label.
gateway string No - Option to pre-select a particular gateway. Leave empty for users to select the gateway they want to use.
ctype string No mycred_default Option to set the point type the user gets on completed purchases. Leave this empty if you use multiple point types and want your users to select which point type to buy. Should not be used if you only have one point type.
amount int or float No - Option to pre-set the amount of points the users can buy using this shortcode. If not set, the user will need to nominate the amount in the form. The minimum amount you set in your buyCRED settings are applied here.
gift_to int No - Option to gift the purchase to a particular user. If used, you can use either the numeric ID of the user or keywords like "author" for the post author if the shortcode is used inside the loop.
gift_by string No - Used in combination with "gift_to", this is the placeholder text shown in the field where the user nominates who will receive the purchase. This is not used if you set "gift_to" to "author".
inline int No 0 Controlls if the form should be inline (1) or not (0). Requires themes using the Bootstrap framework.
e_rate int or float No - Gateway defined exchange rate can be changed for each shortcode using this attribute e_rate. If admin doesn't provide any exchange rate value utilizing this attribute in a shortcode, gateway defined exchange rate will be applied by default.

CSS Styling

// The Form
form.myCRED-buy-form { }


Example 1: Default usage:


Example 2: Pre-set amount to be 100 points.

[mycred_buy_form amount=100]

Example 3: Pre-select PayPal as the payment gateway used in this form.

[mycred_buy_form gateway="paypal-standard"]